The total emission amount of our company in 2023 is 582,194 tCO2e. When we look at the distribution of our emissions, we see that our indirect emissions have a very important place in our inventory. Among our indirect emissions, the largest share of 97.57% is the emissions generated during the use of our products. Within the scope of the Science Based Targets Initiative’s (SBTi) approach, we have set a target to reduce our Scope-3 greenhouse gas emissions from the use of our products sold by 30% compared to 2021.
Compared to 2021, our emissions seem to have increased by 7%, while our emissions decreased by 2.04% in 2023 compared to 2022. Our 2022 emission increase is directly related to our increased sales rates after the pandemic. As part of the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), we are committed to reducing Scope-1 and Scope-2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 50% by 2031. We are determined to take firm steps towards our goal.
In 2023, we switched to using IREC renewable energy certified energy in our factory. I-REC (International Renewable Energy Certificate), defined as Renewable Energy or Green Energy Certificate, ensures the traceability of the source and attribute of the energy produced and shows that the electricity used is produced from renewable energy sources. It is one of the basic documents for decarbonization efforts carried out for sustainability purposes. We zeroed our Scope-2 emissions with I-REC certified renewable energy supply for our factory. We prevented 90.36% of our electricity consumption, which is a source of Scope-2 emissions across all our factories, with I-REC certified renewable energy supply. After the realization of our roof-type SPP project, which we have started to work on, we aim to meet all of our electricity needs from renewable energy sources.
While performing our calculations on raw material and product transportation, we changed our methodology compared to 2022 and reached more accurate results. While we performed calculations based on secondary data in 2022, we improved our data collection system as of 2023 and calculated and reported the emissions released during the transportation of purchased materials and sold materials based on primary data.
When we look at the yearly distribution of our “Category 4 – Indirect Emissions from Purchased Goods and Services” calculated under Scope-3, we see that our emissions have been on a downward trend every year.