Interaction with our Stakeholders

- Our Value Chain
- Communication with our Stakeholders and Memberships
- Stakeholder Views
- Our Memberships
- Our Awards
In line with our sustainability policy, we create a balanced business continuity relationship with all components that adopt our responsible supply chain approach and reputation management scope in environmental, social and economic dimensions.
While we develop our own sustainability practices in our value chain extending from the supply of raw materials for our products to the end user, we aim to make our entire supply chain a part of this development.
We aim to increase the awareness and consciousness of our suppliers, all our stakeholders and customers by setting an example with our approaches that respect human rights, are inclusive, observe social justice and advocate equal opportunities.
We develop alternative risk management approaches to prevent disruption in our supply chain.
By adopting to continuously improve our suppliers, we direct our suppliers to make sustainability-oriented investments to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy.
We take care to extend the concepts of corporate sustainability and green transformation to our entire value chain.

With the products we offer and our sustainability-oriented institutionalization approach, we aim to create long-term positive impacts in all links of our value chain and social layers in our areas of operation.
We evaluate the demands and expectations specific to stakeholder groups covering all social strata that we interact with in all countries where we operate in our national and international operations, and we sensitively address the opinions and suggestions of our stakeholders in line with sustainable development through the regular communication channels we have determined. We are inspired by our stakeholders in determining our sustainability priorities, establishing our procedures in line with sustainability policies, sustainable product development, optimization of production factors, quality, trust and satisfaction, business continuity implementation processes and realization of our new investment projects.
We provide comprehensive and up-to-date information to all our stakeholders through our annual reports, corporate website, social media channels, newsletters and digital marketing presentations, and ensure that our stakeholders are informed about the impacts of our operations.

We are in discussions and exchanging ideas for joint operations in every initiative that will contribute to nature with EAE Aydınlatma. For many years, we have been sourcing our rectifier products, which are primarily used in lighting fixtures, through our OEM sales channel. EAE Aydınlatma sees the protection of the environment and the improvement of environmental conditions as a top priority. Producing energy-efficient products, monitoring energy efficiency, continuing R&D and measurement activities, and creating a healthy, fast, and practical supply chain with a quality understanding are the approaches we share with EAE Aydınlatma. EAE Aydınlatma continuously improves its environmental performance in both production and after-sales processes with all its products, creating a global value chain and raising awareness among its employees to reduce environmental risks. The company’s corporate sustainability team carries out the necessary work to preserve, recycle existing natural resources, and minimize waste. They follow developments in new technologies and regulations in renewable energy sources, considering energy-efficient designs and investments aimed at improving energy performance. This meticulous approach focuses on providing energy-efficient products and services in procurement activities, implementing energy efficiency projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from all operations, and increasing the use of renewable energy through designs and activities related to operations and products. These are the main objectives and goals of EAE Aydınlatma. We closely follow and support all sustainability activities carried out by EAE Aydınlatma based on science-based targets. We take inspiration from their efforts to calculate and offset carbon emissions. We have developed a joint vision with EAE Aydınlatma to combat climate change and reach a sustainable world.

Our memberships and collaborations are closely linked to our strategic goals. We are members of associations and organizations focused on different areas that contribute to sustainability issues and performance. We are active members of the Turkish National Committee on Lighting (ATMK), Waste Battery Collection Association (TAP), Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, Kocaeli Chamber of Industry, Gebze Chamber of Commerce, Ankara Chamber of Commerce and the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey. We support our presence in the organizations we are a member of with activities within the framework of our material sustainability issues. We transparently share the knowledge, projects and experiences we have gained within the scope of our sustainability committee and sub-working groups with our industry and trade network within the framework of our memberships, and we aim to be more effective in accelerating sustainable development in our industry every year. In 2022, we became a member of the Circular Economy Platform of Turkey, which was established by the Sustainable Development Association (BCSD Turkey) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to meet the need for information and resources in the field of circular economy, to provide measurement mechanisms, to provide technical grant support and to create cooperation opportunities. We continue our efforts to become a signatory member of the Science Based Targets (SBTi) and Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) in 2023, which develop effective practices in the prevention of climate change and adaptation in the international arena, and to increase our compliance with the global decarbonization vision.

Our SROUND Industrial Lighting Fixture was awarded the second prize in the “Large Scale Enterprise Energy Efficient Product” category of the Energy Efficiency Awards organized by the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO). At the ceremony held at ISO Odakule, we received our award from the Energy and
On behalf of the EAE Lighting family, our R&D & Laboratory Manager received it from Mr. Fatih Dönmez, Minister of Natural Resources.

The 8th Turkey Innovation Week, organized by the Turkish Exporters Assembly, was held between 25-26 December 2022 under pandemic conditions. As EAE Lighting, we received our third prize in the “Innovation” category at the InovaLIG organization from the hands of Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank.