Social Responsibility Approach

- Social Responsibility Approach
- Our Employees
- Education
- Occupational Health and Safety Policy
- Our Events and Sponsorships
EAE Lighting Corporate Social Responsibility Policy’ emphasises our basic principles and principles at the centre of corporate social responsibility and the importance and priority of this issue for us. This Policy is also integrated with our Code of Business Ethics, Company Policy and Corporate Values and is applied throughout our own operations and our entire value chain. Our internal practices are based on our company’s Corporate Social Responsibility Policy and Code of Business Ethics document. All our employees and managers are obliged to act in accordance with our policies about ethics, to apply and support the relevant procedures and controls of EAE Lighting, as required by our policies. We expect all our stakeholders, with whom we do business for supply of goods or services, and our entire value chain, to act in compliance with the principles required by our policies, to the extent applicable to the relevant party and activity, and we take the necessary actions accordingly.
Our Responsibilities Towards Our Employees
- We, as EAE Lighting, ensure that the rights of our employees are respected with due diligence, and promote continuous dialogue with our employees.
- We also endeavour, without limitation, to comply with the following rules, even if not required by applicable law.
- Forced labour, compulsory labour, or child labour, whether directly or indirectly, or through subcontractors at our workplace, is prohibited.
- Our employees do not face any discrimination or mobbing during the recruitment process, at work or during termination of employment.
- Our recruitment and promotion processes are based on our basic principles on the qualifications and skills required by the job and the individual’s performance.
- We consider our employees in positions where they can use their potential effectively, and make contribution and add value in achieving primary goals of the company.
- In order for our employees to deliver the highest performance, we provide information about the vision, mission, strategy, policy, goals , activity results of company and their relevant duties and responsibilities, while we regularly share with them all the issues that may concern our employees.
- We ensure that all employees fully and accurately benefit from their personal rights, adopt a honest, equitable and fair approach towards our employees and provide them with a non-discriminatory, safe and healthy work environment.
- We provide the necessary training and development opportunities for our employees to improve themselves in the best manner and perform better.
- We fairly compensate our employees based on the value they create for the company, rewarding those who act in accordance with ethical standards and meet expectations.
Our Responsibilities towards the Environment and Society
- We consider acting with a sense of corporate social responsibility throughout all our operational activities and across our value chain as one of the essential and immutable elements of our corporate governance approach.
- With our vision of becoming the leading fixture manufacturer in the lighting industry, we aim to create long-term value for all our stakeholders, to develop R&D-oriented, high-quality, energy-friendly, sustainable products with high recycling rates and to be ready for green transformation with innovative technologies and methods, while ensuring product quality, efficiency and safety with international standards.
- While continuing our activities in line with our sustainable growth goals, we support sustainable development, aim to improve the quality of life in society, and create value for all our stakeholders. We implement policies that are respectful of the environment and society, and in this regard, we strive to support various projects with social, environmental, and cultural content (such as contributions to education, the environment, technology, sports, arts, local economies, healthy living, and social investment projects). In addition, we are sensitive to running all our social responsibility / social development projects in accordance with the principles of sustainability, transparency, participation and human rights.
- We expect our employees and stakeholders to contribute to any initiatives that support the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies and promote environmental awareness. We are committed to fulfilling our social and environmental responsibilities to society in collaboration with our employees and all stakeholders.
- We encourage our employees to volunteer in appropriate social and community activities with a sense of corporate social responsibility.
- We also develop approaches to ensure that our suppliers act with environmental and social responsibility and prioritise the implementation of these approaches.
- We act in accordance with all legal regulations and national / international standards and are sensitive to the traditions, customs and cultures of Türkiye.
We recognise the importance of our human resources in making a difference in our industry, achieving sustainable growth, and gaining a competitive advantage. We manage our recruitment, career planning, development, and training processes in alignment with all our sustainability-focused policies.
We embrace a fair, ethical and equitable approach, which attaches importance to inclusion and diversity, without any discrimination on grounds of religion, language, race, nationality, ethnicity, belief, sect, colour, age, sexual orientation, gender, marital status, political opinion, disadvantage and any other characteristics protected by law, among our employees during recruitment, placement, leave of employment, training, career, promotion, appointment, discipline, wage management and fringe benefit processes, as a corporate culture and policy.
We develop advanced practices in order to manage our human resources, which we consider as our cultural capital, in the most efficient manner possible in line with our vision, mission and goals, to build a distinguished, dynamic, creative and effective team with high added value, which will make a difference in the industry and maximize the level of competition, and to employ qualified human resources within our organization through our efforts towards improvement and change, to make continuous efforts to support the improvement of professional knowledge, skills and individual talents of our team, to ensure motivation and to maximize their performance.
In 2023, the number of employees increased by 5.5%, reaching 382.
We, as EAE Lighting, ensure that the rights of our employees are respected with due diligence, and promote continuous dialogue with our employees. We encourage our employees to take part in suitable social benefit activities on a voluntary basis, with a sense of social responsibility.
As one of the leading companies in our industry, we embrace an approach that respects human rights and puts sustainable and transparent human resources polices by considering the satisfaction of our employees.
Our Responsibilities Toward Our Employees
- Forced labour, compulsory labour, or child labour, whether directly or indirectly, or through subcontractors at our workplace, is prohibited.
- Our employees do not face any discrimination or mobbing during the recruitment process, at work or during termination of employment.
- Our recruitment and promotion processes are based on our basic principles on the qualifications and skills required by the job and the individual’s performance.
- We consider our employees in positions where they can use their potential effectively, and make contribution and add value in achieving primary goals of the company.
- In order for our employees to deliver the highest performance, we provide information about the vision, mission, strategy, policy, goals , activity results of company and their relevant duties and responsibilities, while we regularly share with them all the issues that may concern our employees.
- We ensure that all employees fully and accurately benefit from their personal rights, adopt a honest, equitable and fair approach towards our employees and provide them with a non-discriminatory, safe and healthy work environment.
- We provide the necessary training and development opportunities for our employees to improve themselves in the best manner and perform better.
- We fairly compensate our employees based on the value they create for the company, rewarding those who act in accordance with ethical standards and meet expectations.
- While continuing our activities in line with our sustainable growth goals, we support sustainable development, aim to improve the quality of life in society, and create value for all our stakeholders. We implement policies that are respectful of the environment and society, and in this regard, we strive to support various projects with social, environmental, and cultural content (such as contributions to education, the environment, technology, sports, arts, local economies, healthy living, and social investment projects). In addition, we are sensitive to running all our social responsibility / social development projects in accordance with the principles of sustainability, transparency, participation and human rights.
- We act in accordance with all legal regulations and national / international standards and are sensitive to the traditions, customs and cultures of Türkiye.
International Guidelines That Shape Our Human Rights Policy
- UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) (1948)
- UN Global Compact (UNGC) (2000)
- UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (2011)
- ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998)
- OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (2011)
- Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) (2011)
We provide our employees with an inclusive and professional working environment with fair and equal opportunities, and we aim to maintain long-term business relationships with our employees in accordance with our human resources policy, by ensuring the well-being and safety of our employees as per legal legislation and practices.
There is no wage discrimination between female and male employees, and it is absolutely not tolerated. The principle of “equal pay for equal work” is adopted among our employees. In decisions regarding training, appointment, and promotion, objective data is considered.
As of 2024, we have decided to increase our responsibilities and areas of impact in the relevant sub-working group of our Sustainability Committee in order to develop pioneering practices that serve the goals of gender equality and women’s empowerment.
We employ integrated and professional systems throughout all human resources processes, from recruitment to performance management, from talent development to wage policy, from career planning to the termination process. In order to recruit the right person for the right job, we actively employ new-generation, objective methods based on competencies, reinforced with multi-dimensional measurement and evaluation tools and developed specifically for the relevant position.
Our sustainability priority is to enhance employee productivity, identify strong and development-focused areas of human resources practices, and implement the necessary improvements to achieve higher job satisfaction and create happier employees.
We are evaluating all ideas and suggestions with appropriate mechanisms that allow our employees to express themselves and transferring them to management and decision-making processes for our corporate development. We are aware that an advanced corporate culture adopting democratic suggestion, complaint, and improvement mechanisms ensures our future in human resources.
We believe that regular training activities are one of the key components of sustainable success. We develop annual training plans based on the needs and ensure participation of our employees, whom we consider as our capital of primary importance, in order to support their professional/technical, managerial and personal development and career planning.
We provide our employees with face-to-face and online trainings In our training programs, we use the LMS EAE Learning online training platform to enhance employee engagement, needs analysis, and training evaluation performance across all our training processes.
All our newly hired employees go through an orientation process. Our training plan involves compulsory training and personal development training as requested by our units. We share our training catalogue with all our employees all year long, and requested training is included in the personalized training plan. In addition to existing training activities, unit-specific technical training is provided throughout the year. These trainings are carried out face to face within the organization of EAE Lighting.
Our content and need analysis continue at full steam to provide our employees with visionary training as part of our sustainability, sustainable economic growth, circular economy, green development and decarbonization priorities.
Since 2022, we have provided our employees with 1,046 person-hours of training on sustainability and decarbonisation. Starting in 2024, we aim to intensify advanced training on topics such as: Financial Impacts and Scenario Analyses for Climate Change Adaptation and the 1.5°C Target, Disaster Management and Resilient Industrial Practices, ESG Scoring Applications, Developing New Data Points Aligned with EU ESRS for EU CSRD and EU CSDDD Regulations, Sustainable Finance, Transition Indicators for Circular Economy, Sustainability-Focused Risk – Opportunity and Financial Impact Analysis, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA-EPD), Net-Zero Emissions, Nature-Based Solutions, TNFD Disclosures, and Compliance with Sustainability-Oriented Regulations to be implemented within the European Union framework.
We consider ensuring the health and well-being of employees in all production areas in which we operate and at every point in our global value chain as one of the most prioritised central objectives in our sustainability approach. Within the scope of Occupational Health and Safety activities, we are working to achieve the zero workplace accident goal and develop proactive practices to prevent labour, time, and well-being losses resulting from workplace accidents.
Within the sub-working groups of our sustainability committee, we have initiated behavioural analysis and planning activities to strengthen the transition to a Behaviour-Based Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) approach and to determine the application areas of the Bradley Curve OHS Model.
Our Occupational Health and Safety activities are in line with the ISO 45001 standard that applies to our Integrated Management System, as well as legal requirements. We run an active Occupational Health and Safety process by planning improvement efforts in cooperation with our sub-contractor companies through risk assessments, periodic controls, field analyses, training, suggestion and notification mechanisms, occupational hygiene measurements, provision of personal protective equipment, safe storage and use of chemicals in our workspaces. We are strengthening the Occupational Health and Safety criteria within our procurement and supply processes in collaboration with our sustainability committee.
We set key performance indicators to ensure a healthy and safe working environment, track them, and transparently evaluate all our feedback with our employees in field meetings. We track our Occupational Health and Safety performance monthly and annually, analyze our results in the relevant sub-working group of our sustainability committee, report areas of development that include next-generation sustainability practices to our top management, and plan continuous improvement activities within the framework of our goals.
We are enhancing the physical safety of our employees in production areas by using safety fences and other accident-prevention equipment. We deliver theoretical and practical training at the beginning of employment and on a regular basis, and indicate the measures to be taken against specific risks in their workplaces, in order to raise the awareness of our employees in Occupational Health and Safety. In 2023, notifications received within the scope of Occupational Health and Safety through complaint and suggestion mechanisms accounted for 6% of all notifications. All suggestions and complaints in 2023 were evaluated by the relevant committees and resolved by being included in the development planning.
In 2023, we have completed the project planning phase for the seismic suspension application, which will be implemented across all EAE Group companies, starting with EAE Lighting’s areas of operation.
We securely attach our equipment to the structural components of our buildings using seismic suspension systems that help protect pipes, ducts, and other suspended installations from lateral movement during seismic activity, thus preventing equipment from toppling, falling from its suspended position, or colliding with other objects.
We conduct risk analyses and establish Emergency Response Teams within the framework of our Emergency Action Plans to be prepared for any potential emergencies. We periodically renew the training of our teams, conduct Emergency Drills every year covering all shifts and production areas, and take precautions to ensure business continuity in our value chain.
Our Events and Sponsorships
To provide social benefit and increase the reputation of our company, we, as EAE Lighting, consider all the strategic collaborations and interactions we have established to carry out environmental and social studies as a part of our social investments.
Thanks to our laboratory sponsorships and seminars that contribute to experiential development in the professional learning of our employees in order to help technological practises in our industry become even stronger, we support the academic life.
Under the light of our cooperation protocol signed within the scope of Y.T.U. KOOP Education Model (Vocational Education in Business Model) with the contributions of Y.T.U. KOOP Education Model (Vocational Dr. Nur Bekiroğlu, Dean of Yıldız Technical University and Prof. Dr. İbrahim Şenol, Head of Electrical Engineering Department, we continue to contribute to experiential development studies focused on vocational education since 2022.
As part of our corporate awareness activities for World Environment Day, we participated in ‘Plogging’ sports in the green area of our OSB, delivering the message of ‘healthy life, clean environment, and clean future.’
As EAE Lighting, we plan to institutionalize the Plogging sport, which we continue with the voluntary participation of our employees, within the scope of our OIZ and to carry out it with more participants on longer routes.
Plogging (pick waste and run) was first heard in 2016 during an event hosted by Stockholm, Sweden. The sport takes its name from the Swedish words ‘jogga’ meaning running and ‘plocka upp’ meaning collection. This sport, which is practised by those who want to collect garbage by providing mobility (running or walking fast) on a certain route and thus contribute to the ecosystem, has spread all over the world after Sweden.
We visited the IBB Kısırkaya Stray Animal Temporary Care House to voluntarily contribute to adoption efforts, and we received various information about living conditions, basic needs, animal welfare, and the new law and care system that will be implemented. We provided food support to our furry friends.