‘EAE Aydınlatma A.S. Corporate Social Responsibility Policy’ emphasises our basic principles and principles at the centre of corporate social responsibility and the importance and priority of this issue for us.
This Policy is also integrated with our Code of Business Ethics, Company Policy and Corporate Values and is applied throughout our own operations and our entire value chain. Our internal practices are based on our company’s Corporate Social Responsibility Policy and Code of Business Ethics document.
All our employees and managers are obliged to act in accordance with our policies about ethics, to apply and support the relevant procedures and controls of EAE Aydınlatma A.S., as required by our policies. We expect all our stakeholders with whom we are in a relationship of supply of goods or services to act in compliance with the principles and principles contained in this policy to the extent applicable to the relevant party and transaction, and we take the necessary steps to ensure this.
Stakeholders are governance components engaged in economic, social, and environmental interaction throughout the value chain.
Social Investment is the strategic collaborations and interactions that we, as EAE Aydınlatma A.S., establish with real-legal entities in order to carry out studies on environmental and social/societal issues in order to provide long-term corporate benefits and increase the reputation of the company.
Principles and Guidelines
EAE Aydınlatma A.Ş. The principles and principles of EAE Aydınlatma A.S. Corporate Social Responsibility Policy are presented below:
Our Responsibilities Towards Our Employees
- We, as EAE Lighting, ensure that the rights of our employees are respected with due diligence, and promote continuous dialogue with our employees.
- We also endeavour, without limitation, to comply with the following rules, even if not required by applicable law.
- Forced labour, compulsory labour, or child labour, whether directly or indirectly, or through subcontractors at our workplace, is prohibited.
- Our employees do not face any discrimination or mobbing during the recruitment process, at work or during termination of employment.
- Our recruitment and promotion processes are based on our basic principles on the qualifications and skills required by the job and the individual’s performance.
- We consider our employees in positions where they can use their potential effectively, and make contribution and add value in achieving primary goals of the company.
- In order for our employees to deliver the highest performance, we provide information about the vision, mission, strategy, policy, goals , activity results of company and their relevant duties and responsibilities, while we regularly share with them all the issues that may concern our employees.
- We ensure that all employees fully and accurately benefit from their personal rights, adopt a honest, equitable and fair approach towards our employees and provide them with a non-discriminatory, safe and healthy work environment.
- We provide the necessary training and development opportunities for our employees to improve themselves in the best manner and perform better.
- We fairly compensate our employees based on the value they create for the company, rewarding those who act in accordance with ethical standards and meet expectations.
Our Responsibilities to the Environment and Society
- We consider acting with a sense of corporate social responsibility throughout all our operational activities and across our value chain as one of the essential and immutable elements of our corporate governance approach.
- With our vision of becoming the leading fixture manufacturer in the lighting industry, we aim to create long-term value for all our stakeholders, to develop R&D-oriented, high-quality, energy-friendly, sustainable products with high recycling rates and to be ready for green transformation with innovative technologies and methods, while ensuring product quality, efficiency and safety with international standards.
- While continuing our activities in line with our sustainable growth goals, we support sustainable development, aim to improve the quality of life in society, and create value for all our stakeholders. We implement policies that are respectful of the environment and society, and in this regard, we strive to support various projects with social, environmental, and cultural content (such as contributions to education, the environment, technology, sports, arts, local economies, healthy living, and social investment projects). In addition, we are sensitive to running all our social responsibility / social development projects in accordance with the principles of sustainability, transparency, participation and human rights.
- We expect our employees and stakeholders to contribute to any initiatives that support the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies and promote environmental awareness. We are committed to fulfilling our social and environmental responsibilities to society in collaboration with our employees and all stakeholders.
- We encourage our employees to volunteer in appropriate social and community activities with a sense of corporate social responsibility.
- We also develop approaches to ensure that our suppliers act with environmental and social responsibility and prioritise the implementation of these approaches.
- We act in accordance with all legal regulations and national / international standards and are sensitive to the traditions, customs and cultures of Türkiye.
- By sourcing the electricity used within our company from renewable energy, we benefit the environment, produce energy-efficient products, and share these initiatives on our website (https://www.eaeaydinlatma.com), contributing to social awareness.
Environment Day Event
Every year, on 5th June, World Environment Day, a tree-planting event is organised with company employees. Additionally, materials aimed at reducing waste are provided to employees to raise awareness of Environment Day. These initiatives are designed to contribute to nature and foster environmental awareness among employees.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility Policy was published on 27th April 2023 with the approval of the General Manager. This policy is regularly reviewed by our Sustainability Committee, at least once a year, with a focus on current requirements and changes in our operating conditions. After the approval of the General Manager upon the recommendation of our Sustainability Committee, required updates / revisions come into force.
EAE Aydınlatma A.Ş. Corporate Social Responsibility Policy Our policy is made accessible to all our stakeholders through our corporate website, as well as to all our employees via our corporate intranet site / QDMS.