Sustainability Committee and Working Groups

- Sustainability Committee and Working Groups
In order to integrate our sustainability policy as a key part of our corporate strategy and accelerate our green transformation process, the EAE Lighting Sustainability Committee, operating in coordination with all our subsidiaries, began its activities in 2022, with its operational principles, duties, and responsibility definitions.
We identified the structure and functionality of our sustainability committee after analytical reviews by taking into consideration the conditions of our industry, our position in global trade, our product range and international sustainability requests. We shaped our sustainability committee as an effective and strategic decision-making mechanism, functioning under the supervision of the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of EAE Lighting, entitled to representation at the level of the Board of Directors of EAE Lighting.
Our Sustainability Committee, which intensified its planning and evaluation efforts with the activation of sub-working groups and the publication of our first sustainability report, increased its positive impact among both internal and external stakeholders in 2023.
Our Sustainability Committee, established in an inclusive and multi-layered structure with the participation of employees selected based on seniority, expertise, and training criteria from units intersecting functionally with sustainability elements, is directly responsible for managing our corporate sustainability strategy in line with our 2024-2050 targets, measuring, evaluating, and auditing the environmental, social, and economic impacts of our sustainability activities, and ensuring the flow of data/information.
Our sustainability committee may be chaired by the Board Members and managers holding the position of General Manager, who have direct responsibility in the board of directors as part of sustainability management. The managerial definitions, duties and responsibilities, membership conditions, formation of the committee, meeting and reporting frequency of our sustainability committee have been set forth in the ‘Sustainability Committee Procedure’ and integrated into our quality management system. The responsibility for monitoring the practices, decisions and requirements within the committee, submitting such practices, decisions and requirements to the Board of Directors, reviewing the issues submitted and resolving such issues at the board level lies with the Chairman of the Sustainability Committee. Ensuring the functioning of the committee, our Sustainability Leader directs the works of the committee in line with the goals and performance criteria, and ensure that the committee fulfils its duties and that sustainability practices are exercised in coordination. Sustainability Specialists within our Committee are responsible for organising committee meetings, participating in committee meetings and creating meeting minutes, ensuring the flow of quantitative data and qualitative information between the committee and other relevant parties, creating the data framework for sustainability reporting and performance monitoring, and archiving the results of sustainability practices. Working Groups formed within our Committee and our Committee Members are responsible for the timely and complete implementation of sustainability practices in priority sustainability areas, proposing visionary sustainability practices to the committee, projecting, executing, auditing and reporting to our committee. The working groups built in line with our sustainability strategy and the members of the committee report their activities directly to the Sustainability Leader.
- To ensure alignment of the sustainability strategy and policy with the strategies of EAE Lighting,
- To monitor and follow current processes, practices and projects, to set goals for performance measurement and to ensure that data and information provided by relevant units are reported, in order to bring the approved sustainability strategies and policies into life,
- To follow current developments associated with sustainability and to make proposals for the development of current strategies, policies and practices in this respect,
- To ensure communication of sustainability strategy, policy and practices in order for the stakeholders of our company to adapt them, to provide the necessary training on relevant issues and to coordinate stakeholder participation when necessary,
- To ensure that environmental, social and economic risks about climate change, carbon management and circularity and the extent of their impacts are identified, measured, monitored, recorded, audited and reported, and that any public disclosure is reviewed, and improvements are made,
- To follow the changes in markets and products, laws and regulations on sustainability in the countries where EAE Lighting operates, and to ensure compliance of business processes with such regulations,
- To ensure that data collection, analysis and digitalization practises are considered and adapted to the company, for compilation and analysis of sustainability data obtained during business processes, and for employment of such data in decision-making,
- To execute governance activities in cooperation with national and international policy-making bodies associated with sustainable development, including NGOs, to manage the processes related with membership of and declaration and reporting to these bodies, and to ensure adaptation of these to the business,
- To set sustainability-oriented qualitative and quantitative evaluation criteria for each of the links/components of the market, marketing, customer satisfaction, logistics and supplier chain,
- To make proposals for investment, project and improvement activities to the Board of Directors, in coordination with the R&D Centre, by evaluating the potential to benefit from national and international fund supports in new-generation ecological and technological sustainability and applicability of them to business processes,
- To ensure that an informative report, which includes the following details, is drawn up for submission while making investment, project and improvement proposals to the Board of Directors,
- For projects longer than six months, to ensure that a project evaluation report is drawn up every two months, and submitted to the Board of Directors.
- To work in full coordination and effective communication with the consulting company or companies for periodic data collection, data consolidation, graphic visualization, web application, digitalization, promotion, dissemination and editorial processes in order for the Sustainability Report (GRI Standards) to be drawn up.