- Introduction
- Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunity
- Prevention of Child Labor and Forced/Compulsory Labor
- Zero Tolerance for Harassment and Violence
- Personal/Professional Development
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Working Life and Data Privacy
- Respect for the Environment and Society
- Complaint Mechanism
The purpose of the Human Rights Policy is to provide a framework reflecting EAE Aydınlatma A.S.’s approach to fundamental human rights in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. It aims to emphasise our respect for human rights and the value we place on all our employees and value chain, while building a human rights-focused approach in our relationships with all stakeholders.
This policy is integrated with our Code of Business Ethics, corporate policies, and institutional values, and is implemented across all our operations and value chain. Our internal practices are guided by the EAE Aydınlatma A.S. Human Rights Policy, the Disciplinary Management Procedure, and the Code of Business Ethics Handbook.
Employees and managers in regions where we operate are required to act in compliance with this policy and implement EAE Aydınlatma A.S.’s related procedures and controls as outlined in this policy. We expect all our stakeholders and partners involved in goods or services procurement to align with the principles and requirements outlined in this policy to the extent applicable to the specific party and transaction. We take the necessary steps to ensure this compliance.
As EAE Aydınlatma A.S., we adopt an understanding that respects universal human rights towards our employees, all our stakeholders and other communities affected by our products or services under the guidance of the ‘UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) (1948)’ and the ‘UN Global Compact (UNGC) (2000)’ – whose principles we have followed.
We regard human rights as one of the most important elements of our ethical principles and expect all our stakeholders to act in accordance with these principles and the EAE Aydınlatma A.S. Human Rights Policy. We safeguard human rights in all contracts with our stakeholders and value chain. These contracts include provisions ensuring full compliance with the principles and requirements of this policy, while encouraging stakeholders to internalise and adhere to them, ensuring the same from their employees.
We provide corporate training and capacity-building opportunities to our employees on human rights. We also anticipate contributing to the capacity development of our stakeholders with whom we have a business relationship.
The international standards and principles we prioritise regarding human rights are listed below:
- UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) (1948)
- UN Global Compact (UNGC) (2000)
- UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (2011)
- ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998)
- OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (2011)
- Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) (2011)
Providing a healthy, safe, fair, positive, and professional working environment for our employees, ensuring its sustainability, and respecting all employee rights are our core principles.
As EAE Aydınlatma A.S., we take into account the special circumstances of groups whose rights are elaborated in UN documents (including indigenous peoples, women, ethnic, religious, and linguistic minorities, children, people with disabilities, refugee/migrant workers and their families), as outlined in the “UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (2011)’. We commit to the following:
- To act in a fair, ethical and equitable manner by attaching importance to inclusion and diversity, without any discrimination on grounds of religion, language, race, nationality, ethnicity, belief, sect, colour, age, sexual orientation, gender, marital status, political opinion, disadvantage and any other characteristics protected by law, among our employees in the workplace or during recruitment, placement, leave of employment, training, career, promotion, appointment, discipline, wage management and fringe benefit processes,
- To become the most preferred employer for all candidates, who dedicate themselves to their job and are likely to add value, and to protect the rights of their employees,
- To have zero tolerance to any form of discrimination throughout our operations and across our value chain.
- To be in constant dialogue with our employees, share all matters of concern to them on a regular basis, and create fair, healthy, and safe working environments where our employees can freely express their opinions through a participatory approach,
- To evaluate our employees in roles where they can truly utilise their potential and contribute to the achievement of the company’s main objectives while creating value.
- We commit to strongly oppose child labour, which causes physical and psychological harm to children and deprives them of their right to education, as well as all forms of forced and compulsory labour, including modern slavery, debt bondage, and human trafficking, at every stage of our operations,
To ensure that our stakeholders develop procedures to avoid child labour, as well as forced and compulsory labour.
- We commit to provide our employees with a safe working environment free from all forms of abuse, exploitation, bullying, mistreatment, physical, verbal, sexual / psychological harassment, intimidation, threats, and violence, taking all necessary measures and supporting them with procedures,
- To determine wages fully in accordance with the industrial and local labour market, and to ensure that all wages, including fringe benefits, are paid in accordance with applicable laws and regulations,
- To ensure that our employees’ personal rights are fully and accurately utilised,
- To ensure that our stakeholders develop procedures for applying similar approaches to their employees.
We commit to embrace human capital as a valuable resource, to maintain long-term business relationships with our employees by investing in their skills, potential and personal/professional development continuously through in-house and external training to help them develop themselves in the best manner and perform better.
We commit, in compliance with Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, to provide a healthy and safe working environment for our employees and stakeholders present in our work areas for any reason, in line with our ‘zero accident’ goal, by taking necessary safety measures and implementing regular training and information activities.
- We commit to act in accordance with national / international regulations and digital privacy, data privacy and security standards to protect personal and confidential data (including but not limited to commercial data, technical data, financial data, production data, customer data, personal data, product data, equipment and application data, technical formulas and drawings, system and program data, purchasing details, engineering details, regulations, business plans and any and all data that the company does not disclose to the public) of our Employees and Stakeholders.
- We commit, in line with our sustainable growth and green transformation goals, and with an awareness of our responsibility towards the environment and society, to ensure that the environmental impacts of our investment projects are analysed in compliance with national and international regulations,
- To be aware of the possible impacts of the way we make use of land and natural resources on human rights across our value chain, to address this issue through specific policies and practices, to reduce the damage to the environment and health by making effective use of energy, water and raw materials across our value chain and to prefer renewable resources, in parallel with the policy of our company,
- To identify areas of high water stress in our activities and production across the supply chain, reduce water usage and waste water discharge volumes at the resource level, and increasing water usage efficiency,
- To recognise our business as part of society and respect the rights of the communities affected by our activities, resolve local issues at the local level in the most appropriate way, and liaise with civil society representatives on human rights issues, if necessary.
- We commit to protect human rights and monitor whether applicable international legal requirements on human rights are met in supply chain practices by all our employees and stakeholders, by making relevant adjustments in the contracts, and to ensure that the existing reporting / complaint line of EAE Lighting and the e-mail address [email protected] are used effectively.
- Our Human Rights Policy was published on 27 April 2023, with the approval of the General Manager of EAE Aydınlatma A.S. This policy is reviewed regularly by the “EAE Aydınlatma A.S. Ethics Committee” at least once a year, focusing on current requirements and changes in our operational conditions. Updates/revisions deemed necessary are approved by the General Manager upon the recommendation of ‘EAE Aydınlatma A.S. Ethics Committee’ and subsequently put into effect. The General Manager holds the highest level of responsibility for ensuring compliance with this policy, overseeing improvements, and regularly monitoring any potential violations or suspicious situations.
- Any employee who believes there is a conflict between the language of this policy and our activities, has questions about the policy, or wishes to confidentially report a potential violation, can share their concerns with the ‘EAE Aydınlatma A.S. Ethics Committee’ (or any member of the committee). ‘EAE Aydınlatma A.S. Ethics Committee’ secretary position is executed by the General Accounting & HR Team Leader. Relevant department managers may be invited to the committee based on the subject matter.
- We effectively utilise our existing reporting/complaint mechanisms to ensure compliance with the Human Rights Policy and improve monitoring of potential violations and suspicious activities. Furthermore, we make every effort to evaluate the business processes of our stakeholders, from whom we procure goods and services, within the framework of their commitments to international organisations regarding human rights. We maintain continuous interaction with our stakeholders and value chain to agree on ways to prevent and/or mitigate risks and impacts related to human rights issues.
- We establish annual goals and objectives to address risks and impacts related to human rights across our value chain and track progress over time through internal and external programmes and audits.
- Feedback, as well as potential violations and non-compliance with this policy, can be reported to the ‘EAE Aydınlatma A.S. Ethics Committee’ by submitting a sealed envelope with attachments or via email at ([email protected]).
- In the event of violations or suspicious situations contrary to the principles and provisions of this policy, various disciplinary measures may be applied, up to and including termination of employment, in compliance with applicable regulations. Disciplinary sanctions shall also be applied to those who approve or lead inappropriate behaviours and actions that result in violation, or who do not take necessary actions to report despite the fact that they have information about it.