Our Social Responsibility
Social Responsibility Approach
“EAE Aydınlatma A.Ş. Corporate Social Responsibility Policy” emphasizes our basic principles and principles at the center of corporate social responsibility and the importance and priority of the issue for us. This Policy is also integrated with our Code of Business Ethics, Company Policy and Corporate Values and is implemented throughout our own operations and our entire value chain. Our internal practices reference the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy and Code of Business Ethics document of our company in question. All our employees and managers are obliged to act in accordance with this policy, to implement and support EAE Lighting’s relevant procedures and controls in line with the requirements in this policy. We expect all our stakeholders with whom we are in a relationship of supply of goods or services to act in compliance with the principles and principles contained in this policy to the extent applicable to the relevant party and transaction, and we take the necessary steps to ensure this.
Our Responsibilities Towards Our Employees
⦁ As EAE Lighting, we meticulously ensure that the rights of our employees are respected and we encourage continuous dialog with our employees.
⦁ We are also committed, without limitation, to comply with the following rules, even if not required by applicable law.
⦁ Forced labor, forced labor or child labor, directly or indirectly or through subcontractors working in our workplace, is prohibited.
⦁ There is no discrimination or mobbing against our employees during the recruitment process, while they are working or when the employment relationship ends.
⦁ When hiring and promoting our employees, we base the basic principle on the qualifications and skills required by the job and the performance of the individual.
⦁ We evaluate our employees in positions where they can utilize their potential in a truly productive manner and where they can contribute and create value in achieving our company’s main goals.
⦁ In order to enable our employees to perform their jobs in the best way possible, we inform them about the company’s vision, mission, strategy, policies, objectives, targets, operational results, and their duties and responsibilities, and we regularly share with them all issues that may be of interest to our employees.
⦁ We ensure that the personal rights of all employees are fully and properly utilized; we approach our employees honestly, equitably and fairly, and ensure that they work in a non-discriminatory, safe and healthy work environment.
⦁ We provide the necessary training and development opportunities for our employees to develop themselves in the best way possible and to do their jobs better.
⦁ We fairly remunerate our employees who act in accordance with ethical rules and meet our expectations in proportion to the value they create for the company.
Our Responsibilities to the Environment and Society
⦁ We consider acting with corporate social responsibility awareness throughout all our operational activities and value chain as one of the fundamental and unchanging elements of our corporate governance approach.
⦁ With our vision of becoming the leading luminaire manufacturer in the lighting industry, we aim to create long-term value for all our stakeholders, to develop R&D-oriented, high-quality, energy-friendly, sustainable products with high recycling rates through innovative technologies and methods, and to be ready for green transformation while securing product quality, efficiency and safety with international standards.
⦁ In order to improve the quality of life of the society and create value for all our stakeholders, we support sustainable development, pursue policies that respect the environment and society, and strive to support various projects (education and training, environment, technology, sports, arts, local economy, contribution to healthy living, social investment projects, etc.) prepared with social, environmental and cultural content. In addition, we are sensitive to the realization of all our social responsibility/social development projects in line with the principles of sustainability, transparency, participation and respect for human rights.
⦁ We expect our employees and stakeholders to contribute to any initiative that will support the development and spread of environmentally friendly technologies and raise environmental awareness. We take care to fulfill our social and environmental responsibilities towards society in cooperation with our employees and all our stakeholders.
⦁ We support our employees to volunteer in appropriate social and community activities in line with corporate social responsibility awareness.
⦁ We develop approaches to ensure that our suppliers also act with environmental and social responsibility awareness and we attach importance to the implementation of these approaches.
⦁ We are sensitive to the traditions, customs and cultures of Turkey and act in compliance with all legal regulations and national/international standards.
⦁ We benefit the environment by providing renewable energy for the electricity we use within our company, produce energy efficient products and explain these activities through our website (https://www.eaeaydinlatma.com), contributing to social awareness.
This part can be made in 2 parts. It is not essential.
Our Employees
As one of the leading companies in our sector, we adopt an approach that respects human rights and implements sustainable and transparent human resources policies that are respectful of human rights, taking into account the satisfaction of our employees.
We adopt an inclusive, diversity-oriented, fair, ethical, ethical and egalitarian attitude without discrimination based on religion, language, race, nationality, ethnic origin, belief, sect, color, age, sexual orientation, gender, marital status, political opinion, disadvantage and any legally protected characteristic in recruitment, placement, termination, training, career, promotion, appointment, discipline, wage management and fringe benefit processes among our employees.
We adopt it as both corporate culture and policy.
As EAE Lighting, we ensure that the rights of our employees are respected with great care and we encourage continuous dialog with our employees. We support our employees to volunteer in appropriate social benefit activities with the awareness of social responsibility.
Our Human Rights, Equal Opportunity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
The purpose of the Human Rights Policy is to create a guideline reflecting our approach to fundamental human rights as EAE Aydınlatma A.Ş. in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, to emphasize the respect we show for human rights and the value we give to all our employees and our value chain, and to build a human rights-oriented approach in our relations with all stakeholders. Our policy is also integrated with our Code of Business Ethics, corporate policies and corporate values and is applied throughout our own operations and our entire value chain. Our internal practices refer to the aforementioned EAE Lighting A.Ş. Human Rights Policy, Discipline Management Procedure and Code of Business Ethics Handbook. Our employees and managers in the regions where we operate are obliged to act in accordance with this policy, to implement and support EAE Lighting’s relevant procedures and controls in line with the requirements in this Policy. We expect all our stakeholders and our value chain with whom we are in a relationship of supplying goods or services to act in compliance with the principles and principles contained in this policy to the extent applicable to the relevant party and transaction, and we take the necessary steps to ensure this. As EAE Aydınlatma A.Ş., we adopt an understanding that respects universal human rights towards our employees, all our stakeholders and other communities affected by our products or services under the guidance of the “UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) (1948)” and the “UN Global Compact (UNGC) (2000)” whose principles we have followed. We consider human rights among the most important of our ethical principles and expect all our stakeholders to act in accordance with these principles and EAE Lighting A.Ş. Human Rights Policy. We guarantee human rights in our contracts with all our stakeholders and value chain; we include provisions regarding full compliance with the principles and principles in this Policy, internalization of these principles and principles by the employees of our stakeholders and encourage them to act accordingly. We provide corporate training and capacity building opportunities for our employees on human rights. We also envision to contribute to the capacity development of our stakeholders with whom we have business relations. The international standards and principles that we prioritize in relation to Human Rights are listed below:
• UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) (1948)
• UN Global Compact (UNGC) (2000)
• UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (2011)
• ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998)
• OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (2011)
• Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) (2011)
Our basic principle is to create and maintain a healthy, safe, fair, positive and professional working environment for our employees and to observe all rights of our employees. As EAE Lighting, we take into account the special conditions of groups whose rights are described in more detail in UN documents (indigenous peoples, women, ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, children, people with disabilities, refugee/migrant workers and their families) as stated in the “UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (2011)”.
*Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunity:
• To be inclusive, diversity-oriented, fair, ethical and equitable, without discrimination based on disadvantage and any legally protected characteristic, – to be the employer of choice for all candidates who are committed to their work and can add value, and to be an employer that protects the rights of its employees,
• Never tolerate any form of discrimination in our own operations and throughout our value chain,
• To be in constant dialog with our employees, to regularly share all issues that may concern our employees with them and to create fair, healthy and safe working environments where our employees can freely express their opinions with a participatory approach,
• To evaluate our employees in positions where they can utilize their potential in a truly productive manner and create contribution and value in achieving the main goals of the company,
*Prevention of Child Labor and Forced / Forced Labor:
• We strongly oppose child labor and all forms of forced and compulsory labor, including modern slavery, bonded labor and human trafficking, which cause physical and psychological harm to children and deprive them of their right to education at any stage of our activities,
• Ensure that our stakeholders also develop procedures to avoid child labor and forced and compulsory labor practices,
*Zero Tolerance for Harassment and Violence:
• To provide our employees with a safe working environment, free from any kind of abuse, misconduct, intimidation, maltreatment or physical, verbal, sexual/psychological harassment, bullying, threats and violence and to take all necessary measures and support them with procedures,
• Set remuneration competitively according to the sectoral and local labor market and pay all wages, including benefits, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations,
• Full and correct use of the personal rights of our employees,
• Ensure that our stakeholders develop procedures for their employees to apply similar approaches, Personal / Professional Development
• To see human capital as a valuable resource, to maintain a long-term business relationship with our employees by continuously investing in their talents, potential and personal/professional development through internal and external trainings so that they can develop themselves in the best way and do their jobs better,
*Working Life and Data Privacy:
• To comply with national/international regulations and digital privacy, data confidentiality and security standards for the protection of personal data of our Employees and Stakeholders, as well as confidential information (commercial information, technical data, financial data, production data, customer information, personal information, product information, equipment and application information, technical formulas and drawings, system and program information, procurement information, engineering information, regulations, business plans and all information that the company does not disclose to the public, including but not limited to),
*Respect for the Environment and Society:
• In line with our sustainable growth and green transformation goals, analyzing the environmental impacts of our investment projects in accordance with national/international legislation, with the awareness of our responsibility towards the environment and society,
• Being aware of the possible effects of our use of land and natural resources on human rights throughout our value chain, addressing this issue with special policies and practices, reducing the damage to the environment and health through the efficient use of energy, water and raw materials and the preference of renewable resources throughout our value chain in parallel with our company policy,
• To identify areas of activity and production with high water stress, including the supply chain, to carry out studies to reduce the amount of water use and the amount of wastewater discharged on a resource basis and to increase water use efficiency,
• Recognize our business as part of society and respect the rights of communities affected by our activities, resolve local issues at the local level in the most appropriate way, and engage with civil society representatives on human rights issues, if necessary,
* Grievance Mechanism:
• To make arrangements through contracts to monitor and protect that international legal requirements regarding human rights in supply chain practices are met by all our employees and stakeholders, and to use our existing whistleblowing/complaint hotline-ayd. [email protected] e-mail address mechanisms within EAE Aydınlatma A.Ş. effectively,
we are committed.
Our Human Rights Policy was published on 27.04.2023 with the approval of EAE Lighting A.Ş. General Manager. The said policy is regularly reviewed by the “EAE Lighting Ethics Committee” at least once a year, focusing on current requirements and changes in our operating conditions. Updates/revisions deemed necessary are approved by the General Manager upon the recommendation of the “EAE Aydınlatma A.Ş. Ethics Committee” and enter into force. The General Manager is responsible at the highest level for ensuring compliance with this policy and ensuring regular follow-up of possible violations and suspicious situations within the scope of improvements.
Any employee who believes that there is a conflict between the language of the policy and our activities, who has questions about this policy, or who wishes to confidentially report a potential violation of this policy, may submit these questions and concerns to the “EAE Aydınlatma A.Ş. Ethics Committee” (one of the members of the committee). The secretariat duty of “EAE Aydınlatma A.Ş. Ethics Committee” is carried out by the General Accounting & I&I Team Leader. The manager of the relevant unit may be invited to the Ethics Committee on a subject basis.
We use our existing whistleblowing/complaint mechanism effectively to ensure compliance with the Human Rights Policy and to ensure regular follow-up of possible violations and suspicious situations within the scope of improvements, and we strive to ensure that our stakeholders from whom we procure goods/services evaluate their business processes within the scope of their commitments to international organizations in terms of human rights. We continuously interact with our stakeholders and our value chain to agree on ways to prevent and/or mitigate risks and impacts on these human rights issues.
We set annual goals/objectives to prevent and/or mitigate risks and impacts related to human rights issues across our value chain and monitor progress over time (through internal and external programs and audits).
Feedback on this Policy and possible Policy violations and non-compliances can be reported to the “EAE Aydınlatma A.Ş. Ethics Committee” by sending a sealed envelope and its attachments or by e-mail ([email protected]).
In the event that violations and suspicious situations that are contrary to the principles and principles contained in this Policy are detected, various disciplinary sanctions may be imposed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation, which, if necessary, may reach the level of being asked to leave the job. Disciplinary sanctions will also be applied to those who approve, direct or have knowledge of inappropriate behavior and acts that lead to breaking the rules, but do not make the necessary notification appropriately.
Our Human Rights Policy is made publicly available to all our stakeholders via our corporate website and to all our employees via our corporate intranet site/QDMS.
We believe that one of the key components of sustainable success is regular training activities. In order to support the professional/technical, managerial and personal development and career planning of our employees, our most important capital, we make annual training plans in line with the needs and ensure their participation in trainings.
We realize the training process of our employees face-to-face and online. By using the LMS EAE Learning online training platform in our trainings, we increase our employee participation, needs analysis and training evaluation performance in all our training processes.
We implement an orientation process for all new employees. Our training plan includes mandatory trainings and personal development trainings requested by our units. Our training catalog is shared with all our employees throughout the year and the requested trainings are included in the training plan on a personalized basis. Apart from the existing trainings, unit-specific technical trainings are provided throughout the year. These trainings are provided face-to-face within EAE Lighting.
Occupational Health and Safety Policy
In accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Legislation, we are committed to providing a healthy and safe working environment for our employees and our Stakeholders who are in our work areas for any reason, to take the necessary safety measures and to implement regular training and information activities in line with our “zero accident” target.
We carry out our Occupational Health and Safety activities in line with the ISO 45001 standard and legal requirements within the scope of our Integrated Management System.
We consider ensuring the health and well-being of employees in all production areas in which we operate and at every point in our global value chain as one of the top priority central goals in our sustainability approach. Within the scope of our Occupational Health and Safety activities, we strive to achieve the goal of zero occupational accidents and to develop proactive practices to prevent loss of labor, time and welfare as a result of occupational accidents.
We plan improvement activities by interacting with our subcontractor companies and implementing issues such as risk assessments, periodic controls, field analyzes, trainings, suggestion and notification mechanism activities, occupational hygiene measurements, provision of personal protective equipment, safe storage and use of chemicals in our work areas, and we carry out an active Occupational Health and Safety process. Working with our sustainability committee, we plan to strengthen the Occupational Health and Safety criteria in our procurement and supply processes.
We identify key performance indicators to ensure a healthy and safe work environment,
We follow up and transparently evaluate all our feedback with our employees at field meetings. We monitor our Occupational Health and Safety performances on a monthly and annual basis, analyze our results in the relevant sub-working group of our sustainability committee, inform our senior management about the areas of development including new generation sustainability practices, and plan continuous improvement activities within the framework of our targets. In order to increase the awareness of our employees within the scope of Occupational Health and Safety, we provide theoretical and practical trainings at the beginning of employment and periodically, and we specify the measures they should take against specific risks in their work areas.
Our Events and Sponsorships
Sosyal fayda sağlamak ve şirketimizin itibarını artırmak için EAE Aydınlatma olarak çevresel ve toplumsal konularda çalışmalar gerçekleştirmek amacıyla kurduğumuz stratejik işbirlikleri ve etkileşimlerin tümünü toplumsal yatırımlarımız çerçevesinde değerlendirmekteyiz.
Sektörümüzdeki teknolojik uygulamaların güçlenmesi için işgücümüzün mesleki öğreniminde deneyimsel gelişime katkı veren laboratuvar sponsorluklarımızla ve seminerlerimizle akademik hayata destek sağlıyoruz.
It would be nice if we could create a nice section here with sponsorships and events.
We talked about adding updated news and articles here. There also needs to be a meeting.