As EAE Lighting, we are committed to keeping the will for corporate transformation, which we have determined with a sustainability management approach, at the center of our strategy so that future generations can lead a life at higher standards.
In order to leave a better, fairer and livable world for future generations, we must take the right steps and make the right choices today.
The world’s climate is changing and rising temperatures are now reaching a “crisis” level, threatening us all in all areas. If we do not take measures, we will experience environmental disasters such as droughts, desertification, floods or fires, as well as massive social disruptions such as mass migration and poverty. We are aware that our world, nature and the balance of life are under threat.
The negative effects of climate change have reached the dimension of a global crisis regardless of country, region, sector or economic market. As EAE Lighting, we are aware that the reality of climate change has become an existential problem that requires urgent solutions by leaving negative impacts on all forms of life. Aware that our products, activities and services have an impact on climate change, we have prepared our decarbonization plans with the aim of first managing this impact correctly and creating a positive ecological impact on our world in the future.
We have designed our decarbonization process in line with the EU Green Deal vision and the EU Taxonomy. With its decarbonization efforts, our company aims to support the redefinition of the understanding of efficiency in our sector and accelerate the green transformation without hindering the right of future generations to live in a clean environment under fair conditions. The building blocks of our sustainability practices include ensuring sustainable production with technologies with low ecological footprint, expanding energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy in our value chain and accelerating the transition to a circular economy.
In the Global Risks 2022 Report published by the World Economic Forum, the failure of action plans developed to combat climate change constitutes the biggest environmental and social risk area in the long term. The risks expressed in the report are at a level that could cause global destruction.
Turkey became a party to the Paris Climate Agreement in 2021 and defined its determination to combat the climate crisis with the 2053 net-zero emission target. With the entry into force of the Paris Climate Agreement, preparations are underway for the Climate Law, which will strengthen national goals to combat climate change on a legal basis.
Realizing our country’s economic growth journey with a green transformation approach has a decisive importance that will ensure competitiveness at the global level. We aim to expand sustainable business models in our industry by directing our value chain towards sustainable products and activities, and we develop products and technology solutions that are globally compatible with the decarbonization vision. By reducing our ecological footprint in the light of Science Based Targets (SBTi), we create a concrete guarantee for future generations’ right to live in peace and prosperity, and we plan to create a positive ecological impact in every link of our value chain with our decarbonization plans.
In 2022, we completed our corporate greenhouse gas inventory calculations in compliance with international protocols. As EAE Lighting, we took the first steps in advanced carbon management and net zero emission studies to prepare emission reduction approaches extending to 2040 and 2050 with the methods determined by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) in a way to be effective in our entire value chain.