- Our Sustainability Policy
- Sustainability Committee and Working Groups
- Strategic Risks and Opportunities Task Force
By placing sustainability at the center of our business strategies, we are committed to contributing to the sustainable development of our country, reducing the economic, environmental and social impacts and associated risks arising from our operational activities, creating lasting value for our stakeholders and leaving a sustainable world for future generations.
Our sustainability policy includes the basic principles and guidelines that lead our sustainability activities in line with our vision of transition to a low-carbon economy and green transformation. The holistic framework we have created with our sustainability policy, together with other complementary governance approaches, reaches a higher level of impact every year in determining the sustainability roadmap of our industry.
The principles and guidelines in EAE Elektrik Aydınlatma A.Ş. Sustainability Policy are presented below;
- We integrate our management approach, operational activities, and future goals with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, relevant sub-goals, and the achievements of the European Green Deal, working in accordance with international corporate sustainability principles and sustainability taxonomies to ensure compliance with global sustainability standards and ESG criteria.
- We are working to maximize our sustainability performance in alignment with our vision, mission, and values.
- We define, monitor, and implement all our sustainability-related activities through democratic decision-making mechanisms in our Sustainability Committee, which has direct representation and voting rights in our Board of Directors. Actions on sustainability focus areas are carried out by sub-working groups and task forces.
- With our sustainable investments, we adopt a green transformation-focused growth strategy while aiming to minimize the economic, environmental, and social impacts and risks of our operational activities, and conduct responsible production that is sensitive to the environment and society.
- With our vision of being a leader in the lighting industry, we ensure product quality and safety in line with international standards, while aiming to create long-term value for all our stakeholders, developing innovative technology and methods, R&D-focused, energy-saving, safe, high-quality, sustainable products, and being ready for green transformation.
- Within the scope of our “Net-Zero Emissions and 1.5°C goal,” we calculate the carbon footprint of our products and perform life cycle analyses. We conduct carbon-neutral efforts to reduce the climate change impacts of our products.
- We contribute to the sustainable development of the lighting industry through the employment we create and the volume of domestic and foreign trade.
- We pay the necessary attention to stakeholder engagement and the needs and expectations of our consumers/customers, aiming to maintain the highest level of consumer/customer satisfaction.
- In selecting our suppliers, we make sustainability a criterion and adopt a respectful, fair, honest, transparent, and impartial approach in line with human rights.
- We integrate the concepts of sustainability and green transformation into our corporate culture and also work to spread them across our entire value chain.
- With our approaches that respect human rights, inclusivity, diversity, participation, fairness, and equal opportunities, we aim to raise the sustainability awareness of not only our employees but also our suppliers, customers, and all stakeholders.
- We integrate risk management into all our business processes in a holistic manner, evaluating all types of financial, operational, strategic, legal, and external risks.
- We consider the economic, environmental, and social welfare impacts of climate change and the associated risks and opportunities, contributing to the global fight against the transition to a low-carbon economy.
- In line with our country’s 2053 net-zero emission target, green development vision, and circular economy principles, we aim to increase our investments in energy/resource efficiency, renewable energy, recycling, and recovery.
- We do not tolerate any actions contrary to human rights and/or competition or acts of bribery and corruption within our operations and value chain. In relevant situations, we act within the framework of our policies.
- We provide an inclusive work environment that respects human rights, offers participation, diversity, fairness, and equal opportunities, ensuring employee satisfaction and rejecting any form of discrimination in line with our ethical principles. We aim to contribute to our employees’ success with a fair reward and performance system.
- We adopt national, international, and sectoral regulations in Occupational Health and Safety, ensuring a healthy and safe workplace for our employees, conducting regular training and information activities, and taking necessary precautions.
- We aim to add value to society by developing social responsibility projects that support sustainable development.
- We closely follow the work of national and international initiatives related to sustainability and prioritize joining such collaboration platforms. We share experiences with our stakeholders, including sector representatives, universities, public institutions, and non-governmental organizations.
- We share our sustainability performance transparently with all our stakeholders via our corporate website, taking into account all feedback and suggestions.
- We carry out sustainability reporting activities periodically, aiming to spread them across our value chain, align them with ESG criteria, elevate our corporate sustainability performance, and ensure compliance with international sustainability standards. Our reports are presented to our stakeholders for evaluation through active communication channels.
- We are working to reduce water usage and wastewater discharge amounts and increase water use efficiency in terms of resource management.
- Under sustainable packaging management, we work to reduce packaging waste and the weight of packaging materials from our products, aiming to increase recycling rates.
- In R&D activities, we prioritize sustainable product design.
- We closely monitor innovations and developments in information security and continuously improve our processes. We prioritize protecting the confidentiality and personal information of our employees, consumers/customers, and stakeholders in our activities and business relationships.

Sustainability policy, as an essential part of our corporate strategy, aims to accelerate our green transformation process. To achieve this, we established the EAE Lighting Sustainability Committee in 2022, working in coordination with all our subsidiaries.
Based on analytical reviews aligned with the conditions of our industry, our position in global trade, our product range, and international sustainability demands, we determined the structure and functionality of our sustainability committee. We structured our sustainability committee as an effective and strategic decision-making body, under the supervision of the Vice Chairman of the Board of EAE Lighting, who holds direct representation at the EAE Lighting Board level.
The Sustainability Committee, established with the participation of employees selected based on seniority, expertise, and training criteria from units functionally intersecting with sustainability elements, is directly responsible for managing our corporate sustainability strategy in line with our 2023-2025 and 2030 goals, measuring, evaluating, and auditing the environmental, social, and economic impacts of our sustainable activities, and ensuring the flow of data/information.
The sustainability committee can be chaired by the Board Member and General Manager, who has direct responsibility for sustainability management. The administrative definitions, duties, responsibilities, membership requirements, formation of the committee, and the frequency of meetings and reports are determined by the “Sustainability Committee Working Regulation,” which is integrated into our quality management system. The Chairman of the Sustainability Committee is responsible for following up on the implementation, decisions, and demands within the committee, presenting these to the Board of Directors, and ensuring that the topics presented are reviewed and decided upon at the Board level. Our Sustainability Leader, who ensures the functionality of the committee, is responsible for guiding the committee’s work in line with targets and performance criteria, ensuring that the committee performs its duties, and coordinating the sustainability practices. The Sustainability Experts within our committee are responsible for organizing committee meetings, participating in these meetings to create meeting minutes, ensuring the flow of numerical data and qualitative information between the committee and other stakeholders, constructing the data framework in the sustainability reporting and performance tracking process, and archiving the results of sustainability practices. The Working Groups and Committee Members within our committee are responsible for ensuring the timely and complete execution of sustainability practices in priority sustainability areas, proposing visionary sustainability practices to the committee, and managing, executing, auditing, and reporting these practices to the committee. The working groups and committee members, created in line with our sustainability strategy, directly report their activities to the Sustainability Leader.
- Ensuring the alignment of the sustainability strategy and policy with EAE Lighting’s strategies,
- Monitoring, tracking, setting performance measurement goals, and ensuring the reporting of data and information provided by relevant units for the implementation of the approved sustainability strategies and policies,
- Monitoring current developments related to sustainability and recommending improvements for the development of existing strategies, policies, and practices,
- Ensuring communication for the adoption of sustainability strategies, policies, and practices by our company’s stakeholders, organizing necessary training on relevant topics, and coordinating stakeholder participation in necessary areas,
- Identifying, measuring, tracking, recording, auditing, reporting, and ensuring improvements for the environmental, social, and economic risks and impacts under the headings of climate change, carbon management, and circularity, including public disclosures,
- Monitoring market-product changes, laws, and regulations in the countries where EAE Lighting operates, and ensuring compliance with these regulations in business processes,
- Evaluating and adapting the data collection, analysis, and digitalization practices for compiling, analyzing, and using sustainability-related data in decision-making processes in business operations,
- Engaging in governance activities with national and international policy-making organizations related to sustainable development, including NGOs, and managing membership, declaration, and reporting processes with these organizations,
- Determining qualitative and quantitative sustainability-focused evaluation criteria across all links/components of the market, marketing, customer satisfaction, logistics, and supply chain,
- Coordinating with the R&D Center to evaluate the potential for utilizing national and international funding support on next-generation ecological and technological sustainability topics and recommending investment, project, and improvement activities to the Board of Directors based on the feasibility of these in business processes,
- Ensuring the preparation of an informative report containing the following subheadings when recommending investment, project, and improvement activities to the Board of Directors,
- Ensuring the preparation of a project evaluation report every two months for projects lasting longer than six months and presenting it to the Board of Directors.
- Working in full coordination and effective communication with consultancy firms for the writing of the Sustainability Report (GRI Standards), including periodic data collection, data consolidation, graphic visualization, web application, digitalization, promotion, dissemination, and editorial processes.
The Risk and Opportunities Strategic Task Force presents the evaluations of the effects of climate change, sustainability practices, just transition mechanisms, and climate compatibility approaches within EAE Lighting, along with specific strategic elements (risk and opportunity distribution), to the board of directors. It directs the sustainability committee leader and the working groups within the committee to develop action plans in line with strategies. Investment and budget evaluations for priority actions and projects are presented to the board of directors. The board member representation leads the strategic risk and opportunities task force, ensuring control over the impacts of risks and opportunities. By reviewing EAE Lighting’s sustainability reports and derivative data, the board ensures that performance indicators are monitored. It establishes harmonizing corporate approaches for transposing transition plans across all company units in line with goal-oriented management principles. By reviewing the development plans of critical suppliers concerning climate compatibility, it identifies intersections in strategic objectives that ensure alignment with climate goals, and tracks the periodic and financial impact of climate change within corporate risk management functions, presenting the details of investment plans to the board and ensuring representation.
Designed as a top-level corporate mechanism overseeing climate and sustainability issues, the Risk and Opportunities Task Force has the following functions: guiding business strategy, directing risk management policies, guiding annual budgets, determining performance targets, monitoring/supervising the implementation of the transition plan, reviewing R&D and innovation priorities, and evaluating the development plans of critical suppliers regarding climate compatibility.
The Strategic Risk and Opportunities Task Force is responsible for conducting analyses on climate change and sustainability-related risk-opportunity areas, ensuring the dissemination of risk-opportunity areas at the unit level, following global, regional, and sectoral risk analysis and climate compatibility reports (IEA, UNEP-FI, UNGC, SBTi, IPCC), and developing action plans for localizing climate scenarios at the unit level. It is also responsible for strategically examining local, regional, and national approaches to the impact of climate change in the current value chain. Climate-related strategies, strengths and weaknesses, action plans, strategic planning, performance evaluation, and fund management proposals are discussed within this committee and presented to the board. The task force and the working groups of the sustainability committee jointly co-chair the feasibility and funding access proposals for the active projects. The task force reports directly to the board and the sustainability committee chair every three months.
The Risk and Opportunities Strategic Task Force is led by the board member responsible for sustainability, the General Manager responsible for sustainability, and the Sustainability Committee Chairman. The task force’s decision-making, guidance, and management role on climate change analytics, action plans, and strategic climate action in the Sustainability Committee is outlined in the committee procedures.
- Ensuring the identification, measurement, tracking, recording, auditing, reporting, and review/improvement of environmental, social, and economic risks and impacts, including climate change, decarbonization, and circularity, as well as public disclosures related to these matters,
- Determining qualitative and quantitative decarbonization-focused evaluation criteria for all links/components in the market, marketing, customer satisfaction, logistics, and supply chain,
- Coordinating with the R&D Center to evaluate the applicability of national and international funding opportunities in the areas of next-generation ecological and technological sustainability, as well as climate change adaptation, to business processes, and making investment, project, and improvement proposals to the Board of Directors,
- Ensuring the preparation of an information report containing the following subheadings when making investment, project, and improvement proposals to the Board of Directors: